my new novel is here…

Slowly and gradually, I’ve been working on a new novel – and now New Life in New Melody is finally available on Amazon, in kindle as well as paperback format.

The story isn’t completely new. As a matter of fact, my earlier novel, In New Harmony, is contained within the pages of this one.

In New Harmony is told from the point of view of 13-year-old Nora Thornton. With New Life in New Melody, the chapters from Nora’s POV are alternated with chapters from the POV of her mother, Marilee.

The story and the characters wouldn’t let me go, even though I told myself I should start on something completely new – and one reason it took me so long to release the new novel is that I would stop myself repeatedly along the way, telling myself to skip trying to complete this project and move on to something different.

But Marilee’s part of the story kept nudging me to tell it, and so I did.

Last year, I put a chapter from the new novel here – the working title was a bit different from what it ultimately became, and I ended up changing the town’s name to New Melody, but that chapter is mostly the same as it is in the finished novel. You can take a look at that chapter if you’d like to take a peek into the not-quite-middle part of the book.

And if you’d like to read the entire novel, I hope you’ll check it out here.